The Tome of Demons Vol. I

Begin your journey into darkness with the Tome of Demons Vol. I Miniatures. This set introduces you to a realm where demonic entities reign supreme. Stand against Armaros, Chaos Incarnate, towering at an impressive 120mm. Challenge Essetria, the Tamareth War General, and engage with different Tamareth warriors, each poised for battle. Anzu, Vulduk Scion of Pazuzu, and a cadre of Vulduk fighters await your strategy. Encounter the fearsome Decataur, mysterious Kabeiroth, and the formidable Outworld Vanguard and Crushers. The Muzulk figures, in dynamic poses, round out this diverse collection. Perfect for DnD players and collectors, the Vol. I of the Tome of Demons series brings a unique edge to tabletop battles and displays.

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