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Hands exchanging a red ticket

How to Reserve a Ticket for Our Events

From November 2021, we are moving away from the old format of using Google Forms to reserve your seat for our events.

You can now get a ticket directly from this website! This speeds up the process for us and it helps to maintain a proper amount of seats without the possibility of going over the limit without us noticing in time.

Below you can find a step-by-step tutorial about how to get a ticket from this website and following, a series of Frequently Asked Questions in case you have any concerns. We remain available for any further questions via our contact form or Facebook Messenger.

Reserving a Ticket for an Elemental Beacon Event

This guide will go through the entire process to reserve a ticket for any of the Elemental Beacon’s events. If you have any difficulties, please contact us.

To get started, visit the Event Ticket product page. You will find here all the details of the event and a form to set the ticket price. You can set any price you want, even € 0, and proceed to the next steps. If there are no tickets available you will see a red message, otherwise, you will see a number indicating how many are left.

Notice that the price is a mandatory field. You can set it to 0 if you would like to get the ticket for free or set any price you want, minimum € 1. Any funds collected from tickets will be used for the event or another Elemental Beacon project.

Event Ticket page indicating the availability and the price field.
Event Ticket page. The content might change in time based on the event.

After setting the price, scroll below and complete the ticket form with your details. Fill in your first and last name, and your email address. Double-check that they are correct since we will ask for these details at the event, and the email address will be used to communicate with you before the event.

Click on Buy Ticket Now to add the ticket to your cart. The button will read as this even if the price set is € 0.

You will be able to purchase multiple tickets if you want to, we will explain how to do this later in this guide.

Fill in the ticket details

Now that you have your first ticket in the cart, if you want to add another one, simply repeat the step above for another participant, using their details instead of yours. Repeat this step as many times as you need.

Please, do not purchase multiple tickets for the same person. It is not necessary and we will have to delete any duplicates to free the seats.

Once your ticket is added to the cart, the page will refresh and you will see a green message at the top of the page indicating that the product has been added successfully to the cart. On the right, you can also find the View Cart button. Click on it to go to the Cart page and complete the reservation.

From the Cart page, you can edit the ticket price if you wish to, check your cart totals (taxes will be shown if an address is already configured), and remove items from the cart, if necessary.

After confirming that everything is correct, click on the Proceed to Checkout button.

Check the Cart page to confirm the details of your order

This is the last step of the process. Complete your Billing Details so that you can get a legally valid receipt of your order, even if the order total is € 0. These details are those of the person doing the reservation, even if multiple tickets are being reserved.

Elemental Beacon is required to ask for these details for legal reasons. None of them will be sold to any 3rd-party company, nor they will be shared publicly with anyone. They will be used exclusively to process your reservation. If you are concerned about the safety of your data, you can refer to our Privacy Policy page.

You can add any additional details in the Order Notes section.

Fill in your Billing Details

If you are a business, you can specify your VAT number to deduce the VAT amount from the order total or get a valid invoice for your company.

Once your details are completed, scroll down to review your order details, insert your credit/debit card details in case your order total is more than € 0, select the box to confirm that you read the Terms & Conditions page, and click on Place order.

Review your order

The details of your card are processed by and Elemental Beacon does not have access to them in their entirety. Elemental Beacon does not store your card details at any time. For further information, you can refer to our Terms & Conditions.

You will be now redirected to an Order Confirmation page showing you the details of your purchase, the link to download your invoice, and a link to the ticket page if you need to edit the details.

Download your invoice and edit the ticket details.

Congratulations! Your seat is now reserved and you can join our event! Make sure to bring with you a copy of the ticket, or give us your order number so that we can verify the ticket at the event.

Featured image by Uriel Mont from Pexels.

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